ALS-konserni järjestää 14.3. klo 11 webinaarin metallien screening-analytiikasta. Webinaarin teemana on “Complete inorganic Screening – assessing 30-years of development and applications at Luleå laboratory”.

Webinaarin puhujana toimii ALS:n Luulajan labroratorion pitkän linjan asiantuntija Ilia Rodushkin. Webinaari pidetään englanniksi. Lue tarkemmat tiedot englanninkielisestä webinaarikutsusta alta!


ALS invites you to a webinar on metal screening entitled “Complete inorganic Screening – assessing 30-years of development and applications at Luleå laboratory”. The presenter is Ilia Rodushkin, Senior Scientist Specialist at ALS in Luleå. The webinar will be in English.

Date: Friday, March 14
Time: 10:00 AM 

During the last few decades, the ever-growing need for accurate multi-elemental concentration determination in wide variety of matrixes has resulted in significant instrumental and method developments. Luleå laboratory offers a broad range of matrix-specific analytical packages, Semi-quantitative Inorganic Screening (package code S01) and Quantitative Inorganic Screening (S02). Through the packages, we offer reporting of more than 70 analytes in almost any matrix (from ultrapure water and semiconductor grade chemicals to body fluids, environmental and geological samples) and with lowest reporting limits achievable.

The webinar will focus on development of these packages over the last 30 years and current figures of merit, as well provide a guidance on the selection of S01 and S02 packages for your needs.

The presentation is approximately 30 minutes long and will be held digitally via Zoom. After the presentation, there will be time for questions.
The webinar is free. We have a limited number of places, register today!


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After registration, we will send you more information and a link to the webinar.

See you at the webinar!

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